Welcome to Texas Calls

This blog is a way to keep everyone updated as to what is going on the lives of David and Nicole Call. It mostly consists of all thing bicycle related since that is what we do most of in our free time. Hopefully you can get a snapshot into what we do for fun and give you updates as they happen.

Most of the photos below are also a link to a Gallery of photos

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Waco Race 2008

Here are some little shots of us racing in Waco. Billy was there and getting back into racing...fun times had by all! We all finished in the last half of our category, but had a great time since the course had some really tough and long climbs - for Texas. I tried to even out my farmer's tan with a sleeveless jersey and noticed after the fact that I look like a homo (sorry to offend you D.B.). I'm going back to the sleeved version. No laughing!!!

Waco 2008


James said...

I was really impressed how you were able to keep your bike on the ground to avoid getting too much air!!! That must be tough.

I will show you some good upper-arm exercises next time so that you don't look so funny.

callme61 said...

thanks bro! I would appreciate any tips you may have for me. "I learned it by watching you!".